The names What’s A Funeral Anyway? ™, Special Time to Always Remember ™, and the STAR logo are Registered Trademarks. The contents of this program are Copyrighted and may not be reproduced (copied) or resold in any manner, except for the form titled “Registration form”.
Legal Disclaimer
The STAR Class is not intended as a grief therapy or counseling session, but simply a class that prepares children for the visitation, funeral or memorial service, and burial they attend for a family member or friend who has died.
The education and experience of STAR Class teachers may vary. Hiring of STAR Class teachers is at the sole discretion of the funeral home owner. The publisher has not pre-screened or pre-qualified STAR Class teachers.
What’s A Funeral Anyway? ™ Inc. shall not be held liable for the actions, decisions, or individual information expressed by STAR Class teachers or assistants.
The content of the STAR Class is the result of teaching children in a funeral home setting. No professional recommendations are expressed. The Kids’ Comments contained in The STAR Class manual are actual questions and responses by children attending STAR Classes and their STAR Class teachers. In no way is it inferred that the answers or solutions to these situations are the ONLY responses possible.